Delight your users by paying them faster

Easiest way to send payments

Easiest way to send payments in bitcoin
Instant Payouts 24 X 7

Instant Payouts 24/7

Send payments, refunds or cash back anytime, anywhere. No more intermediaries or public holiday delays.

Secure & reliable

Secure & reliable

Protect your link with a password, to ensure the amount is withdrawn by the correct person.

Customize withdraw links icon


Customise your withdraw links with your company logo and colours to reflect your brand.

Solution fitting many use cases

Empower your transactions.

Easily refund the amount to your customers when they process for returns.


Easily refund the amount to your customers when they process for returns.



Handle reimbursements for your field agents or employees for the expenses.

Pay commissions to vendors, sales team or influencers for the sales they bring


Pay commissions to vendors, sales team or influencers for the sales they bring.

Create marketing campaigns for your business and send out Bitcoin rewards easily


Create marketing campaigns for your business and send out Bitcoin rewards easily.

Pay your vendors using Bitcoin for quick and seamless transactions

Vendor Payments

Pay your vendors using Bitcoin for quick and seamless transactions.

Schedule salaries using Speed and pay your employees every month using Bitcoin


Schedule salaries using Speed and pay your employees every month using Bitcoin.

pay with bitcoin while doing an online transaction


Simplify checkout with a pre-built checkout page

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Pay with speed and accept payment in bitcoin

Payment Link

Single link to accept multiple bitcoin payments.

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Other Speed products to suit your business need

We have solutions for every business, whether you have an online or offline presence.

Scan and pay with Bitcoin POS app