Improve customer experience

Sign up and add an additional payment method in just 3 clicks.


Use our bitcoin QR code generator and accept payment either on your lighting wallet or on-chain.


Give your One-QR code a unique, yet identifiable name for you to easily manage multiple QRs under the same business account.


Set up a success message for your customers which will be displayed once they make the payment.


We know that your brand is very important to your business.

Logo Icon
Fevicon icon
Brand color icon
Brand Font icon

Where can you use One QR?

Upgrade your business at no additional cost, display the QR code and start accepting bitcoin payments. One QR for all payments!

Brick & mortar stores now collect payments from your customers with Speed Bitcoin POS app

Brick & Mortar stores

Reduce the billing time by displaying the static QR code at your checkout counter.

One QR to accept bitcoin payments


By using a One-QR code reduce the cost of additional hardware or device.

Trade shows

Use a printed QR code instead of an expensive POS that can be easily displayed on posters or brochures.

Scan QR and get the Bitcoin Donations


Donors can easily scan the code with their phone & make a donation securely without the need for cash or paper forms.

Why customers prefer One QR over any other payment method?

Convenient icon
Secure Icon
Reduce Cost Icon
Reduce Cost
Increase Accessibility
Increase Accessibility
No POS or app required
No POS or app required
In Person One QR Payments

Dynamic QR

Create a QR code to accept payments, easily display them on screen or print them.

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In-person payments


Accept payment from mobile app. Use the mobile app to generate links & QR for customers to pay.

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Other Speed products to suit your business needs

We have solutions for every business, whether you have an online or offline presence.

Scan and pay with Bitcoin POS app